Professor Liao Qun was born in July 1959in the city of Jinan, Shandong province, to a family whose ancestral home is in Hunan province. She matriculated at Shandong University in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in 1977, andgraduated in January 1982 with a BA degree. Afterward, she stayed on as a teaching staff at her alma mater.Subsequently she completed her graduate studies at the same department, receiving her MA degree (specializing in the field of Ancient Chinese Literature) in July 1987 and her Ph.D. in Literature in 2004. During, as well as since, completing her graduate studies, Professor Liao has continued to be on the teaching faculty at Shandong University where she currently holds the rank of Professor in the School of Literature. She is a Dissertation Advisor for Ph.D students as well as a Thesis Advisor for MA students. Concurrently, she also serves asExecutive Vice-president of Shandong Association of Classical Literature Studies, and a member of the Executive Board of Directors ofboth the Chinese Academy of Shijing (Classic of Poetry) Studies and the Chinese Society of Qu Yuan Studies.
Professor Liao has been engaged in teaching and research in the field of ancient Chinese literature for many years, focusing on the literature and trends in cultural development of Chinaduring the pre-Qin era and in the Qin and Han dynasties. She has authored the following monographs: Archaeological Studies of the Literature of the Pre-Qin Era and the Qin and Han Dynasties (selected for inclusion in The Library of Academic Achievements of the Chinese National Foundation for the Social Sciences); Research Studies of Pre-Qin Dynasty Texts that Were Derived Originally From Speech or Oral Sources(selected for inclusion in The Chinese Library of National Academic Achievements in Philosophy and the Social Sciences);TheShijing(Classic of Poetry)and Chinese Culture;Tracing the Footsteps of Ancient Chinese Myths and Legends; History of Chinese Aesthetic Culture (The Pre-Qin Volume);Archaeological Studies of theShijingand theLisao; Multi-Dimensional Studies of the Literature of the Pre-Qin Era and the Qin and Han Dynasties;Studies on the Genesis of Ancient Chinese Novels;A ¡°Fun Reading¡± of the Writings of Han Feizi;A History of Chinese Literature of the Pre-Qin Era, and others. She served as the principal compiler and editor of The Archives of Scholarly Studies on the Yuefu [Poems Collected and Curated by the Imperial Bureau] of the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties. Professor Liao was also the chief editor of A Grand Compendium of the Confucian Cultural Legacy (The Life of Confucius volume.)Her major co-authored works include:The Pre-Qin volume in the multivolume anthology,The Spirit of Chinese Literature and Translations of the Confucian Classics(the Shijing [Classic of Poetry] volume). She was a contributing author and editor for the following works, among others: The Spirit of Traditional Chinese Culture; Yin-Yang Dualistic Thought and Chinese Aesthetic Culture; Interdisciplinary Studies in the Literature of Ancient China; Selected Works of Ancient Chinese Literature;A History of Chinese Literature; and Assorted Selected Lectures ontheShijingand theLisao. In addition, Professor Liao has published more than a hundred scholarly papers and articles in academic journals such as Literary Review, Studies in Literature and Art, Our Literary Legacy, and Wen-Shi-Zhe (A Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy).Many of these papers and articles have appeared, either in abstract or in full-text reprint, in the Xinhua Digest, the Chinese Social Sciences Digest, and theDigest of Traditional and Modern Chinese Literature and Digest of Chinese Philosophy (these latter two published by The People¡¯s University¡¯s Reprints of Newspaper and Periodical Materials.)
For her academic accomplishments, Professor Liao has won aHighest Level of Excellence prize, and a Third Level of Excellence prize, conferred by the Chinese Ministry of Education for Excellence of Achievement in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Chinese Higher Education.She also won a Level-Two National Prize for Excellence in Teaching, and two ¡°Major Achievements¡± prizes,as well as two Level-2 prizes and one Level-3 prize, for Outstanding Achievements in the Social Sciences in Shandong Province.She is a principal lecturer for the course ¡°A History of Chinese Aesthetic Culture¡± that was selected as a Nation-wide ¡°Name-Brand¡± Course and as a ¡°Name-Brand¡± video open course for the public by the Ministry of Education. In recent years, she has independently undertaken two research projectssponsored by the National Foundation For the Social Sciences and one research project that received secondary funding from the National Foundation For the Social Sciences. In addition, she has undertaken a research project sponsored by the National Committee of Antiquities Studies in Higher Education, and a Keystone Research Project in Social Sciences Planning for Shandong Province, while also supervising two projects in Ancient Texts Restoration and Management for Shandong Province. She played a major participating member¡¯s role in two other research projects sponsored by projects sponsored by the National Foundation For the Social Sciences,and also took part, as a sub-project leader, in a major project of the Humanities and Social Sciences Base of the Ministry of Education, and in a major project of the National Foundation For the Social Sciences, the culminating product from which has been twice selected for inclusion in the ¡°Archives of Academic Achievements¡± in National Social Sciences Planning.
Appendix: A List of Professor Liao Qun's writings and papers
A. Authored Publications -- Books
(1) Monographs authored individually by Professor Liao
· Archaeological Studies of the Literature of the Pre-Qin Era and the Qin and Han Dynasties (selected for inclusion in The Library of Academic Achievements of the Chinese National Foundation for the Social Sciences), Learning Press, 2007
· Research Studies of Pre-Qin Dynasty Texts that Were Derived Originally From Speech or Oral Sources(selected for inclusion in The Chinese Library of National Academic Achievements in Philosophy and the Social Sciences), The Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Compilation and Translation Bureau Press, 2018
· TheShijing(Classic of Poetry)and Chinese Culture, The East Is Red Reading Society Press, Hong Kong,1997
· Tracing the Footsteps of Ancient Chinese Myths and Legends, Ancient Books Publishing House, Shanghai,1996
· History of Chinese Aesthetic Culture (The Pre-Qin Volume), Shandong Pictorial Publishing House, 2000
· Archaeological Studies of theShijingand theLisao, Hong Kong University Press, 2005
· Multi-Dimensional Studies of the Literature of the Pre-Qin Era and the Qin and Han Dynasties, Shandong University Press, 2013
· History of Chinese Aesthetic Culture (The Pre-Qin Volume) (Revised and expanded edition), Ancient Books Publishing House, Shanghai, 2013
· Studies on the Genesis of Ancient Chinese Novels, Shandong Education Press, 2016
· A ¡°Fun Reading¡± of the Writings of Han Feizi, The Hundred Flowers Literature and Art Publishing House, 2000
· A History of Chinese Literature of the Pre-Qin Era,Taibai Literature and Art Publishing House, 2004
· The Essential Classics of Ancient China: A Color-Illustrated Edition of the Classic of Poetry, Hebei Young People¡¯s Publishing House, 1997
(2) Edited works
· The Life of Confuciusvolume inA Grand Compendium of the Confucian Cultural Legacy, China Bookstore, 1994
· The Archives of Scholarly Studies on the Yuefu [Poems Collected and Curated by the Imperial Bureau] of the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties, Wuhan University Press, 2015
(3) Co-authored and co-edited works
· The Spirit of Chinese Literature · The Pre-Qin Volume, Shandong Education Press, 2003
· Selected Works of Ancient Chinese Literature, The People's Literature Publishing House, 2002
· Selected Works of Ancient Chinese Literature: An Abbreviated Edition, The People's Literature Publishing House, 2004
· A History of Chinese Literature, The People¡¯s University of China Press, 2006
· A Brief History of Chinese Aesthetic Culture, Higher Education Press, 2007
· Interdisciplinary Studies in the Literature of Ancient China, Qinghua University Press, 2009
· A Dictionary For Research on the Shijing (Classic of Poetry), Hebei Education Press, 2014
· A History of Ancient Chinese Literature (vol. I), (A Publication of the National Project of Marxist Theory Research and Construction,) Higher Education Press, 2016
· Yin-Yang Dualistic Thought and Chinese Aesthetic Culture, China Social Sciences Press, 2016
· A Comparative Bilingual (English-Chinese) Reading ofthe Shijing (Classic of Poetry), Shandong Friendship Publishing House, 2000
· The Spirit of Traditional Chinese Culture, Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1995
· Assorted Selected Lectures ontheShijing(The Classic of Poetry)and theLisao(Frustration on Parting), Higher Education Press, 2007
B.Published papers and journal articles
(1) Published in authoritative scholarly journals
· ¡°A Critical Textual Study of the ¡®Lesanzhong¡¯ (three interlocked and consecutive pieces of ceremonial songs) and ¡®yinzhige¡¯ (song to toast a military victory) in the Classic of Poetry¡±, Literary Review,No. 2, 2018
· ¡°¡®Music cannot be divorced from sentiments¡¯: The ¡®Songs are verbal expressions of feelings¡± Argument in Confucius' Theory of Poetics", Studies in Literature and Art,No. 2, 2002
· ¡°A Symphony of the Primitive and the Civilized: An Investigative Study of the Artistic Forms of the CiPoems of Chu. (Additionally, a Discussion of the Logical Relationship between the CiPoems of Chu and the Classic of Poetry¡±, Our Literary Legacy, No. 5, 1988
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Methodology of Gao Heng¡¯s Scholarship in the Textual-Critical Examination and Study of Ancient Documents and Texts, and Its Academic Value¡±, Our Literary Legacy, No.6, 2009
· ¡° ¡®Talking¡¯, ¡®Oral Transmission,¡¯ and ¡®Speech¡¯: Explorations of the Various Modalities and Forms of the Genre of Writing in the Pre-Qin Era that was Derived Originally From Speech or Oral Sources¡±, Our Literary Legacy, No.6, 2006
· ¡°Imitative Substitution Songs Played on the Qin and the Han-dynasty Interpretations of the Stories of Historical and Cultural Figures of the Pre-Qin Period¡±, Our Literary Legacy, No. 4, 2018
· ¡°An Exploration of the Cultural Sources and Origins of The Cultural Source of the Notions-Images of the Analogies and Affective Imageries in the Classic of Poetry¡±, Wen-Shi-Zhe (A Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy), No. 3, 1995
· ¡°Speech of Surrogacy and Advocacy or Speech for Self? Poems of Satire or Poems of Excess? Two Interpretations of the Guofeng (Songs of the Regions) in the Classic of Poetry¡±, Wen-Shi-Zhe (A Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy), No.6, 1999
· ¡°An Explorative Analysis of Oral (Spoken) and Vocal (Sung) Performances in the Front Halls of Notables¡¯ Houses in the Han Dynasty and the Artistic Characteristics of the Han Yuefu[Poems Collected and Curated by the Imperial Bureau]¡±, Wen-Shi-Zhe (A Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy), No. 3, 2005
· ¡°A Re-examination of the Question of the Formation of the Yin-Yang Dualistic Thought Paradigm as Prompted by a Reading of the Bamboo-inscribed Edition of the Book of Laozi¡±, Wen-Shi-Zhe (A Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy), No. 2, 2013
· ¡°A Preliminary Proposition for ¡®Archaeological Studies of Literature¡¯¡±, "Guangming Daily", 2002.11.27
(2) Published in major academic journals
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Grand Poems of Praise of the Han Dynasty [Han Da Fu]: A Necessary Link in the Development of Chinese Literature", Academic Journal of Shandong University, No. 2, 1988
· "Folk-Culture Interpretations of the Expression ¡®False Bride-Robbing¡¯ [feikouhungou] in the Classic of Change¡±, Folklore Research, No. 4, 1998
· ¡°An Argument Regarding the Discourse on Oracles in the Classic of Change¡±,Academic Journal of Shandong University, No. 1, 1999
· ¡°New Archaeological Evidence in Gao Heng's Research on the Book ofLaozi¡±, Academic Journal of Shandong University, No. 5, 2001
· ¡°Historical Artifacts andCultural Relics Provide New Evidence for the Theory of the Practice of ¡®Gleaning Folksongs¡¯ in the Zhou Dynasty", Folklore Research, No. 4, 2002
· ¡°Expressions of a Primitive Religious Belief in Signs and Omens in the Mountains and Seas Classic [Shanhaijing] and Their Value for Folklore Studies¡±, Folklore Research, No. 3, 2006
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Meaning of the Expression: ¡®The Diviner Makes Use of Three Versions of the Book of Change¡¯, and the Dissemination and Popularization of the Zhou Classic of Change in the Pre-Qin Dynasty Era¡±, Research on theZhou Classic of Change, No. 5, 2006
· ¡°A Perspective, From the Appearance of the Gua Diagrams of Divination and the positioning of the Yao Divination Lines, on the Theory of the Separating and Unifying of the Dual Spheres of Yin (Female, Gentleness) and Yang (Male, Forcefulness) in the Zhou Classic of Change¡±,Research on the Zhou Classic of Change, No. 1, 2011
· ¡° ¡®Folk-speaking¡¯ and the Dissemination of the Bamboo Inscription Stories of theWestern Han Dynasty, the Story of the Fabulous and Unbelievable, and the Song of the Divine Bird¡±, Folklore Research, No.6, 2016
(3) Published in CSSCI journals, or reprinted and/or republished in a second journal or volume of collected papers
· ¡°A Discussion of The Beginnings of Aesthetic Consciousness from the Perspective of the Significance of the Original Forms of the Dragon and the Phoenix¡±, Journal of Theoretical Studies, No. 4, 1991
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Spirit of Qu Yuan and Chinese Traditional Culture¡±, Academic Journal of Tianjin Normal University, No. 3, 1992 (Reprinted)
· ¡°Re-examining the Question of Realism in Art in the Classic of Poetry¡±, Academic Journal of Hebei Normal University, No. 4, 1992 (Reprinted, and republished)
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Egg and Chinese Creation Myths¡±, Literary and Historical Knowledge, No.9, 1994
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Classic of Poetry and the Tendencies Toward Subjectivity in China¡¯s Literary Tradition¡±, Academic Journal of Liaoning University, No. 5, 1994
· ¡°A State and Form of Life that Ultimately Returns to the Essence of Being Human¡±, Shandong Journal of Social Sciences, No. 3, 1994
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Epic -- Poetry, or Song, that Praises History [songshishi]: A New Conceptualization of the ¡®Historical Poems¡¯ in the Classic of Poetry¡±, Eastern Serial Periodicals, No. 3, 1995
· ¡°A Cultural Analysis of Love Poems Written ByMen of Letters in Traditional China¡±, Seeking Truth, 1996, No.6
· ¡°Historical Poems [shishi], and Poems that Praise History [songshishi±Õ¡±, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on the Classic of Poetry, August 1996 (Republished)
· ¡°A New Explanation and Interpretation of the Yao (divination line): ¡®False Bride-Robbing¡¯ [feikouhungou] in the Classic of Change¡±,Literary and Historical Knowledge, No. 9, 1999
· ¡° ¡®I am deeply moved¡¯: Reading ¡®Confucius Responds toA Guest¡¯s Question¡¯ ¡±, Research on Confucius, No. 3, 2000
· ¡°A Critical Examination of Speech Surrogacy in the Lisao and of Its Three ¡®Songs¡¯¡±, Eastern Serial Periodicals,No. 4, 2002
· ¡°Excavated Artifacts and Cultural Relics and the Identification of Qu Yuan's Creative Works", Eastern Serial Periodicals(B) 2005, issue no. 1 (Reprinted)
· ¡°A New Perspective on the Relationship between Zhuang Zi and Lao Zi¡±, Journal of Theoretical Studies, No. 11, 2005 (Reprinted)
· ¡°An Answer to Questions Regarding the Bamboo Inscription ¡®A Mother¡¯s Will and Letter on Inheritance¡¯ and the Ballad ¡®The Peacock Flies Toward the Southeast¡¯¡±, Chinese Cultural Studies, No. 2 (Summer issue,)2006,
· ¡°On Three Fables in Zhuangzi, and Their Connection to Ancient Chinese Novels¡±, Journal of Theoretical Studies, No. 4, 2008
· ¡°A Study of the Popular Lyrical Songs [sufu] of the Han Dynasty and the Emerging of the Novel in Ancient China¡±, Journal of Theoretical Studies, No. 5, 2009 (Reprinted)
· ¡°Texts and DocumentsFrom the Ground Give New Meaning to the Word ¡®Complete¡¯ in the Title of ¡®A Complete History of the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties¡¯¡±,A Journal of Discourses From Taishan, No.8, 2010
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Bamboo Script Version of the Text ¡®The Court Garment¡¯ from the Chu Region Sheds Light on the Practice of Citing and Referencing FromThe Classic of Poetry as Evidence for Arguments by Zi Si and Others¡±, Chinese Cultural Studies, No. 1, 2012
· ¡°A Critical Examination of Stories From the Tomb of Ji and the Genre of Writing Derived Originally From Speech or Oral Sources in the Pre-Qin Period¡±, Journal of Theoretical Studies, No. 4, 2012
· ¡°An Investigation and Discussion of the Subject of the Shamanistic Customs in the Region of Chu in Ancient Times and the Employment of the Genre of Fables in the Writing of the Ci Poetry by Qu Yuan¡±, Academic Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities, No. 2, 2014
· ¡°From ¡®Hearing Rumors About Qu Yuan¡¯ to ¡®Everybody of the Age Speaking of, and Sharing, the Ci Poetry of Chu¡¯: A Study of The Early Dissemination of the Poetic Writings of Qu Yuan¡±, Academic Journal of Shanxi University, No. 2, 2014 (Reprinted)
· ¡°A Study of How the Bronze Inscriptions of the Western Zhou Period, ¡®The Oath of Fei¡¯ and ¡®Jiang Han¡¯ [in the Classic of History], and ¡®Changwu¡¯ [in the Classic of Poetry] Corroborate One Another", Research on Historical Texts and Documents, December, 2014 (General issue no. 34)
· ¡°A Study of the Narrative Bamboo Inscriptions in the Museum of Shanghai and the Genre of Writing Derived Originally From Speech or Oral Sources in the Pre-Qin Period¡±, Academic Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities, No.1, 2016
· ¡°Corroboration Between the Legends of Ancient History in the Ci Poetry of Qu Yuan and the Genre of Writing Derived Originally From Speech or Oral Sources in the Pre-Qin Period¡±, Research on Historical Texts and Documents, February, 2017 (General issue no. 38)
· ¡°Discussing the Imitative Substitution Genre of Writing and ¡®Narrating¡¯ Qu Yuan, with the Imitative Substitution Songs Played on the Qinas Reference; in addition, a New Examination of the ¡®Songs With the Word ³Ý¾±¡±, Chinese Literary Studies, No. 3, 2018
(4) Other major articles
· ¡°Is There Speech Surrogacy in the Classic of Poetry?¡±, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on the Classic of Poetry, 1998
· ¡°Random Discussions of Modalities of Lyricism in the Classic of Poetryas Found in the Expressions ¡®I have not yet met¡¯ and ¡®Now that I have met¡¯¡±,Humanistic Writings, Volume 2, 1999
· ¡°From Humanity-based and Human Relations to Human Nature: On the Inner Force that Drives the Conflict and Turmoil Between Passion and Reason in Pre-Qin Poetry and Song¡±, Wenyibao, Feb. 26, 2002
· ¡°Wang Guowei's¡®New Discovery¡¯ and the¡®Archaeological Study of Literature¡¯¡±, Humanistic Writings, Volume 5, 2002
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Zi Si-Meng Zi (Mencian) Tradition in Confucian Scholarship: Mencius's Arrogance and Its Remaining Effects Through History¡±, Humanistic Writings,Volume 6, 2003
· ¡°Archaeological Interpretations of ¡®Fish¡¯¡±, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Classic of Poetry, The Academy Publishers, 2005
· ¡°Archaeological Discoveries Provide Answers to Some Perplexing Questions about the Analects of Confucius¡±, Humanistic Writings, Volume 8, 2005
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Expansion and Convergence of Multidimensional Perspectives in the Study of the Classic of Poetry¡±, A Journal of Studies of the Classic of Poetry, 2006
· ¡°New Evidence Related to the Study of the Legend of Lady Chang¡¯e¡¯s Flight To The Moon¡±, Humanistic Writings,Volume 10, 2007
· ¡°¡®Dialogue¡¯ and ¡®Performance¡¯: A Comparative Study of the Initial Modes of Dissemination and Communication of the Classic of Poetryand the Han-dynasty Yuefu[Poems Collected and Curated by the Imperial Bureau]¡±, A Journal of Studies of the Classic of Poetry,Volume 14, 2008
· ¡°Archaeological Studies of Literature: The Restoration of the History of Literatureand Its Expansion Into New Terrains¡±, The Journal of the Social Sciences, Jan. 10, 2008
· ¡°Zhonghe (Moderation and Harmony): The Aesthetic Ideal of the Classic of Poetryand the Fundamental Character of Chinese Culture¡±, in Critiques and Evaluations of The Classic of Poetry by Renowned Scholars, Overseas Chinese Publishing House, 2009
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Bamboo Inscription Texts from the Chu Region that were Excavated at Guodianand Studies of Mencius¡±, in Confucian Studies and Cultural Construction in the Twenty-first Century, The Academy Publishers, 2010
· ¡°Composing and Reciting Poetry While Ambulating on the Shores of Lakes and Ponds: An Exploration of the Ways in which the Ci Poetry of Qu Yuan were Disseminated¡±, in Chinese Studies of the Poems of the Chu Region, Volume 17, 2011
· ¡°Archaeological Evidence Supporting and Corroborating of My Teacher Dong Zhi'an¡¯s Argument ¡®The Book Yan Zi was Written in the in the Warring States Period¡¯¡±, in The Aura of A Gentleman, With a Confucian Spirit and Daoist Integrity: A Collection of Writings in Memory of Mr. Dong Zhi'an, QiluShushe Publishers 2013
· ¡° ¡®Making Someone a Gift of a Peony¡¯: Exploring the Literary Origins of Associating the Image of the Peony with Implications of Sexual Affection¡±, in Proceedings of the Chinese Symposium on The Peonyand Ancient Chinese Literature, (the Symposium was held at Heze, Shandong province,) Shandong People's Publishing House, 2015
· ¡°Legends and Stories of Immortals in ¡®The History of Ceremonies Worshipping Heaven For Bestowing Divine Right to Rule¡¯ in A Record of History [Shiji], ¡®Biographies of Immortals¡¯ and ¡®The Story of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty¡¯¡±,in The Daoist Culture of the "Immortals of Penglai¡± and Ancient Chinese Literature, People's Publishing House, 2015
· ¡°°Õ³ó±ð Controversy Between the ¡®New Texts School¡¯ and the ¡®Ancient Texts School¡¯ in Chinese Classical Scholarship, and Sectarian Contest Among Scholars and Thinkers in General¡±, Humanistic Writings,2017
· ¡° ¡®Shuoti¡¯, the Genre of Writing Derived Originally From Speech or Oral Sources: A New Category in the Study of Narrative Texts in the Pre-Qin Dynasty Era¡±, The Chinese Journal of the Social Sciences, June 28, 2017