Professor Guo Chunying was born in 1968. She holds an MA degree in Literature and is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Literature at Shandong University. She offers two courses, namely: “A History of Foreign Literatures” and “Topical Studies in Foreign Literatures” (focusing on Western Modernist Literature.)
In her teaching and research, Professor Guo engages in country-by-country studies. She has particular strong interest in Modernist literature in the West, and in examining Western literature from the perspective of the influence of Christianity. She has made some accomplishments in these regards. The products of her work in these areas have been published in Foreign Literature Review, including the following recent articles:
1. “滨苍迟别谤辫谤别迟颈苍驳 The Wasteland by T.S. Eliot from the Perspective of Prophecy”
2. “Saul Bellow's Reflections on Anti-rationalism”
3. “From the Metaphysical to the Physical: Maeterlinck's Journey of Exploration”
4. “Critiquing the Criticisms of The Waste Land”
5. “A New Perspective in [Gabriel Garcia] Marquez Studies: The Power of Humanity”
Professor Guo is also the author of the monograph Glorious Romance: The Outlook and the Spirit of French Literature.
Professor Guo is currently undertaking research in a number of topics, including the following:
· Jewish culture and Waiting for Godot
· Time, Doubt and Salvation in Waiting for Godot: Studying the mentality of Waiting for Godot
· The narrator and God in Dante’s The Divine Comedy
· Narration in Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Paramo
· A religious interpretation of the abnormal psychology of the characters in Dostoevsky’s writing
· A dialogue between Hardy and Sartre: Is it action, or intention, that determines human disposition?
· The concept of Freedom in ancient Greek literature and in Christianity
· The dilemma of Chinese culture from the perspective of Christianity